Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ALIAS - No, Not The Cancelled TV Show

I've been friends with Tim and his wife, Dottie, ever since I moved from my mid-Atlantic roots to New England, 10 years ago. They are one of the many happy couples I would whine to about not finding the right guy. They were also always kind enough to let me be the 3rd wheel many weekends and Tim always helped with the "manly" things around the house (well, at least until my parents moved close by). You know, moving heavy furniture, investigating the foul odor under the sink, fixing a leaky faucet, telling me when it was time to call a plumber and who he would trust - you know - all the stuff Mr. Right (if I had had one) should have been doing.

Anyway, Tim and Dottie have also been supportive of this blog and today, fun but mild manored, fairly conservative, Tim cracked me up. He told me he liked the blog - especially my choice of aliases for people (probably because he knows many of the characters and has been my original audience for most of these life stories) so we get to considering what his alias should be when his time comes. I throw out names like Tom, Tony - classic, solid, strong names - much like Tim, the man. Nope, he doesn't like any of them.

Hand to God, he tells me, "come up with something good like Conquistador de l'Amore. Yea, something cool like that."

Ummm, ok, I will have to check with Dottie on the validity of that one and get back to you.

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