By the time the cosmos decided Abraham and I should meet, we both owned homes. So, when we got married and began to merge our belongings, we had to figure out what to keep, what to donate, and what – if anything – we needed to buy new.
My bedroom set was the one I had as a little girl. Abraham’s was a mish mash of dressers and end tables. My bed was as hard as a concrete slab, Abrahams soft and fluffy but not doing anything positive for our backs. The decision was made…we would buy a new bed and bedroom set to begin our married life.
I thought the hard part would be agreeing on a bedroom set we both liked but that was easy. The first store we walked into, the first set we saw, we loved. And as luck would have it, the entire set was within our budget and could be delivered in a week. Score.
Off to find a bed. This is where things get difficult…..why are bed salesmen more annoying and creepy than car salesmen?!?!?!
Abraham and I start at the furniture store. Having learned from my Mom and my couch buying experience, we know to avoid eye contact and shuffle by the salespeople mumbling polite, “we’re all set, thanks” as they ask if we need help. We make it to the bed showroom unscathed. We know our price range which immediately limits us to about 4 bed options.
Just as we are about to sit on one, a salesman spies us and hollers out, “Jump on up there! You have to lay there to get a feel for it so go ahead, lay on down.” I look at Abraham, pleading with my eyes for him to not make me do that. He sits on the edge of the bed, ignores the salesman and starts to talk to me but the salesman won’t be swayed. In a more booming voice he instructs us to the importance of really getting a feel for the bed so we do what any well mannered, well raised children would do…we climbed on up. We lay there on our backs, ensuring we don’t touch, as this strange man watches us and lectures us about the virtues of a quality mattress. He’s jiggling the bed up and down demonstrating the springiness as we lay there bouncing up and down. The salesman starts to sound like a Charlie Brown teacher because all I’m thinking about is how many other people have been on this bed….did they have dirty hair? Is my hair going to be yucky when I get up? Did the people who were here before me feel this awkward?
After what feels like forever, we sit up and are instructed to the next bed. To his credit, Abraham tries to tell the salesman that we are more comfortable discussing on our own and will find him when we make a decision but this guy won’t. go. away. We leave that store telling him we need to think about it and will be back. As we get to the safety of our car, we start laughing about how odd that was and that we will find our mattress elsewhere.
We move on to a bigger chain mattress store. As we walk through the door, Abraham breaks left, I wander right. Uh-oh, how did that happen? Alone across of sea of mattresses, the sales people descend upon me asking about budget, size, firmness. I’m a deer in headlights. I look across the showroom and Abraham is happily wandering, unaccosted by salespeople, reading labels, feeling different beds…he finally looks up and comes to my rescue. Again, the salespeople are insisting we get up on the bed. We go through the same motions as last time but this sales guy is insisting we get “into the mood and cuddle.” Yes, he used the word cuddle. We ignore him and he says again, “you two shouldn’t be shy. You won’t get a feel for the bed if you don’t try it out like you would in bed. Snuggle. Roll around. Give it a work out.” I’m preparing to get up when Abraham grabs me, hugs, kisses, squeezes, rolls me around the bed. As I’m trying to break free and ask what the heck he is doing, the salesman is cheering us on, “That’s right. Really get into it. Gotta’ test it out man!”
We finally sit up and the salesman looks at Abraham and asks, “So sir, what do you think? Good for a tumble with her, eh?” While flattening my hair with my hands, I‘m about to voice my annoyance when Abraham says, “I guess. I mean it was a little uncomfortable because she’s my sister but you told me to go for it so I did.” Abraham gives me the head nod and off we walk. As we reach the door we steal a glimpse at the sales guy and he has a look of perplexed horror on his face.
We ended up calling some 800 number and having the perfect bed delivered.
Insight to all bed sales people...you work in a bed store. Most people aren’t browsing beds like shoes, we’re there to buy. I will find you if I have questions and when I’m ready to purchase otherwise, keep your distance, please. Less is more.